Site CSS - Color Scheme

 * TITLE: Color Scheme Stylesheet for Tierra Verde                    *
 * URI  : *
 * MODIF: 2003-02-01 1904 +0800                                       *

/* ###### General Colors ###### */

/*** Text Color (darker): ***/
  body, #bodyText a, .sideBar a, .sideBar a:hover, .sideBar span, .subFooter a
  { color: #22464f; }

/*** Text Color (lighter): ***/
  .headerTitle span, .menuBar, .menuBar *, .sideBar a:hover, #footer, #footer a
  { color: white; }

/*** Border Color: ***/
  #bodyText .boxedDark, #bodyText .boxedLight, .sideBar a, .sideBar a:hover, .sideBar span,
  #footer a:hover, .subFooter a
  { border-color: #22464f; }

/*** Background Color (darker): ***/
  #header, #footer
  { background-color: #22464f; }

/*** Background Color (lighter): ***/
  #bodyText .boxedLight, .sideBarTitle
  { background-color: #cddbcd; }

/* ###### Special Colors ###### */

#header { border-color: white; }

.headerTitle { color: #cddbcd; }

.menuBar a:hover { color: #abc3ac; }

body { background-color: #abc3ac; }

#bodyText .boxedDark { color: black; }

#footer a { border-color: white; }

.subFooter a:hover { border-color: #abc3ac; }
-- MauricioVieira - 24 Jun 2004

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