TWiki.Tukro . TWiki . WelcomeGuest

Welcome TWikiGuest,

You have reached a TWikiSite (pronounced twee-kee site). TWiki is a meeting place where people collaborate on common interests. Anyone can contribute using a regular Web browser. TWiki looks like a normal Web site, but it allows (and ecourages) everyone to edit the web pages and contribute their questions and input. It really is very simple to learn and use, and provides possibly the most powerful way to exchange and develop ideas online, in an open, uncomplicated environment.

How TWiki Works

  1. Read: You can treat this site like any other. Browse, and follow interesting links. A couple of hints:
  2. Create an Account: To be able to write new content on this site, you'll need to create an account for yourself. It's simple, and only takes a minute: just visit TWikiRegistration and fill out the form. This will also create your personal home page.
  3. Write: If you have something to say, speak your mind! Anyone can change or add to anything they see written in a TWiki topic. You can edit a topic from within your browser, using TWikiShorthand, a very simple markup language (you can also use HTML if you like, but you'll usually find you can get the same results more easily with TWikiShorthand). To contribute,
  4. But this is scary! Anybody can do anything! The concept at first may seem...strange. Uncontrollable. And yet, collaborating the Wiki way works! See WikiCulture. (You can define fine-grained TWikiAccessControl based on users groups if really necessary, and there's full revision control that retains all changes!)
  5. Experiment: To get your virtual hands dirty, visit Test? in the TWiki.Tukro.Test web.
  6. Create a link: To link to another topic, start by editing an existing topic.
  7. Create a topic:
  8. See the history of a topic: Click the Diffs link on the control strip at the bottom of every page to see a complete history of edits for that topic.
  9. Attach files: Use your browser to upload and attach any type of file to a topic using the Attach link at the bottom of the page.
  10. Organize: Use TWikiForms to include specific information with individual topics - for example, classify pages by subject, status, or date.
  11. Learn more: TWikiTutorial takes you on a 20-minute tour of the TWiki essentials. WikiReferences has links to articles and books about online collaboration and Wiki technology in particular.

Main Features of TWiki

Starting Points in the TWiki.Tukro.TWiki web

Web TWiki.Tukro Site Map Use to...
Main Home of Main web Search Main web Recent changes in the Main web Get notified of changes to the Main web Welcome to TWiki.Tukro... Users, Groups, Offices - tour this expandable virtual workspace. ...get a first-hand feel for TWiki possibilities.
TWiki Home of TWiki web Search TWiki web Recent changes in the TWiki web Get notified of changes to the TWiki web Welcome, Registration, and other StartingPoints; TWiki history & Wiki style; All the docs... TWiki details, and how to start your own site.
Know Home of Know web Search Know web Recent changes in the Know web Get notified of changes to the Know web Knowledge base set-up - Add TWikiForms for organizing and classifying content. ...try free-form collaboration, with structure!
Sandbox Home of Sandbox web Search Sandbox web Recent changes in the Sandbox web Get notified of changes to the Sandbox web Sandbox test area with all features enabled. ...experiment in an unrestricted hands-on web.
Tukro Home of Tukro web Search Tukro web Recent changes in the Tukro web Get notified of changes to the Tukro web Describe what this web does. do something.
You can use color coding by web for identification and reference. This table is updated automatically based on WebPreferences settings of the individual webs. Contact if you need a separate collaboration web for your team.
Legend of icons:   Home of web = Go to the home of the web
Search web = Search the web
  Recent changes in the web = See recent changes in the web
Get notified of changes to the web = Subscribe to get notified of changes by e-mail
(included from SiteMap; change WelcomeGuest to include from SiteMap instead of TWikiWebsTable)

----- Revision r1.14 - 14 Dec 2001 - 16:32 - PeterThoeny
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