TWiki.Tukro . TWiki . TWikiTutorial

20-Minute TWiki

This step-by-step, hands-on tutorial gets you up to speed with all the TWiki.Tukro basics, in mere minutes...

1. Get set:

Open two browser windows, side-by-side, so that you can follow these steps in one window, while trying things out in the other.

2. Take a whirlwind tour:

A TWiki.Tukro site is divided into webs; each one usually represents one area of collaboration. You can navigate the webs from the upper right corner of each web page.

3. Open a private account page:

To edit topics, you need to have a TWiki.Tukro account.

4. Check out TWiki.Tukro Users, offices and groups:

5. Test the page controls:

Go to the WebHome page to find out what you can do. The bottom of the page has action links:

6. Change a page and create a new one:

Go to the Test? topic of the TWiki.Tukro.Test web. This web is the sandbox where you can make changes at will.

7. Upload files as page Attachments:

You can attach any file to a topic, not unlike attachments to an email.

8. Get email alerts when topics change:

It is very important that team members are kept in sync of changes.
That's it! You're now equipped with all the TWiki essentials. You are ready to roll.

NOTE: When first using TWiki, it will probably seem strange to be able to change other people's postings - separated messages is the online rule, with email, message boards, non-Wiki collaboration platforms. Don't worry about it. Nothing gets lost, you can always check previous versions, and copy-and-paste from them if you want to revert after saving a change. Use TWiki for a short while, and you'll want this sort of natural communications freedom...everywhere!

-- PeterThoeny - 13 Sep 2001
-- MikeMannix? - 14 Sep 2001

----- Revision r1.8 - 14 Sep 2001 - 03:09 - MikeMannix?
Copyright © 1999-2025 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors.
Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki.Tukro? Send feedback.