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Rename/move/delete a topic

You can now rename, move and delete individual topics from your browser. All three options are available by clicking the Rename/move on the lower toolbar. The access settings for a particular page, web or entire site may disable one or more of the three options. In any case, all three are similar and extremely self-explanatory on-screen.

  1. On the topic you want to change, click Rename/move
  2. To move or delete, from the pull-down menu, select the target web ("Trash" for delete); otherwise, leave on the current web
  3. To rename, fill in new WikiName, or leave the default current topic anme
  4. You will be warned if there are locks or if there is a name clash - adjust accordingly, or Cancel
  5. A list of pages that link to the topic will be listed, checked by default: checked links will be updated; clear the checkbox to prevent any unwanted changes
  6. Click Rename/Move: the topic will be renamed and links to the topic updated.

Note: Deleting means moving the topic to the Trash web. Since all webs share the one Trash, name conflicts may come up.

Topic TWikiTopics . { Edit | Attach | Ref-By | Printable | Diffs | r1.15 | > | r1.14 | > | r1.13 | More }
Revision r1.2 - 30 Aug 2001 - 16:26 - MikeMannix?
Parents: WebHome
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